Ladies Retreat - September 27-28, 2024

Please fill out this form and click submit.

Our goal with this weekend is to bring you refreshment and relaxation along with Biblical truths that you can practically apply to whatever season of life you are currently in. Join us as we learn together how to "Be Salty" . Ashley Kurty will be our main speaker.

This event is open for ladies 9th grade and above. Registration is now live online and will close on September 15th. The total cost, including meals and overnight stay, is $65.00/person. This includes dinner and a teaching session Friday night, lodging (bring your own bedding and towels), Saturday breakfast, teaching sessions, lunch, and activities at the camp. If you can only join us for one of the days, the cost for Friday’s session and dinner is $20.00/person, or the cost for just Saturday’s meals and activities is $45.00/person.

To save your spot, you will need to pay a $20.00/person non-refundable deposit at the end of this form by either credit/debit card, or indicate on this form that you will bring a check to the church. Your registration will be held upon receipt of payment. 

Check-In will be Friday, September 27th from 4:30-5:15pm, and dinner will be at 5:30 pm. The retreat will end Saturday evening.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Registration Information

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Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Workshop Options

Please select 1 workshop for each SECTION per person.  This will help us prepare enough supplies and materials for each woman attending.  Space is limited, and workshops will be capped at 25 ladies each. 

Click Here for more Workshop Details
Friday Workshop Options: Pick 1 Workshop per person. Please select the number equal to the number of people you are registering to attend the workshop(s) of your choice.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Saturday Workshop Options: Pick 1 Workshop per person. Please select the number equal to the number of people you are registering to attend the workshop(s) of your choice.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Saturday Activity Options: Pick 1 Workshop per person. Please select the number equal to the number of people you are registering to attend the workshop(s) of your choice.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Volunteer Opportunities (optional)

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Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
CLOSED/ No longer Available- Sweatshirts & Bags (optional)

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Please select all that apply.

A $20 Non-Refundable Deposit is required for each person attending PLUS sweatshirt(s) and/or Bag(s) cost. Swag is pre-order and must be paid for before September 15th. You may pay the balance remaining in person at the retreat, or indicate on this form that you will bring a check to the church. Your registration will be held upon receipt of Payment. 
Please select your payment option from the drop-down box below. 


Please fill out this form and click submit.