Medical Release 2025 - Thrive

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Medical insurance details


Medical Release: "In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergecny during the time period on this form, I hereby give permission to the physician or dentist selected by the leadership to hospitalize, secure proper treatment, and/or order an injection, anesthesia, or surgery for my son or daughter as deemed necessary."

Liabilty Release: "Every activity sponsored by this church is carefully planned and adequately supervised by mature adults. However, even with the best of planning and precaution, unforseen events can occur. By signing this form, the parent or guardian agrees to assume and accept all risks and hazards inherent in church-related social activites. They also agree not to hold this church or its employees or volunteer assistants liable for damages, losses or injuries to the person or property undersigned. The parents or guardians understand that they are signing for the minor listed on this form and the signature is for both a medical and liability release."



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